Here's what I've noticed so far. I was doing ok until I passed Mrs. Backers on the way to my hair appointment (my hair is lookin' fine, by the way). Their raspberry cream cheese tarts suddenly flashed through my mind. Torture, thy name is pastry. Later, I ate lunch. I bought a quinoa salad from Whole Foods, hoping that buying something yummy would mean I wouldn't want sugar at all. Not so. My body is trained to eat something sweet after meals. And later at my brother's house, I was tending my niece. And do you know what he had the audacity to have in the freezer? Oreo Klondike bars. Bastard. As recompense, I made him buy me the lo carb special at Greek Souvlaki. It was good, but it was no Klondike bar.

Despite all this, I made it. Day 1 is conquered.
You know, I was thinking today about what I wrote in my post yesterday. I made a joke about how this whole thing might kill me. But ya know what the truth is? It might kill me if I don't. I would kick myself if I were 70 and injecting insulin someday just because I couldn't NOT eat cookies when I was 29. That might sound dramatic, but truly. I can only gain from this little experiment. And all day, even as I fought my cravings, it felt like the right thing to do.
So, the plan continues. I've decided to set up a rewards system. I have used food as one of my only sources of pleasure for a long time. (Food should be a source of pleasure. It just shouldn't slowly kill you over time.) It's time to try some new things. Here are some ideas.
Today I joined a CSA, so every Thursday I will have fresh food to discover new, healthy, yummy recipes with.
Regular massages. (I've already got one scheduled.)
A new hoodie
A new waterbottle
Perhaps a cat? (Really not sure about this after the dog fiasco of 2009)
Any other ideas? Thank you for any and all support.
Adrianna, I'm so proud of you!! Good job. I wouldn't feel apprehensive about getting a cat. They're pretty much self-sufficient. Just be sure to clean the litter box and have plenty of scratching posts around and they're happy. I really wish we had a Whole Foods here. I have to make all my yummy healthy stuff myself! Ha ha!
Have you tried grilled fruit yet? It's so yummy and might just satisfy your sweet craving. I like taking fresh pineapple, threading it on a skewer, and grilling it. Then I mix it with melon. Sometimes I add a bit of fresh basil and some olive oil. Yum! Good luck!!
I chew gum to help with the after meal sugar cravings. You obviously know this about me, it's always sugar free and something really sweet like bubble gum, or fruit flavored. It really helps me with cravings.
Hey! Have you heard about yet? It's a website that lets you track your nutrition and see how you're doing. I love it! If you're interested, just go to and sign up. You can track your meals or they can do meal plans for you, fitness tracker is fun, and there is a link for TONS of healthy recipes that other people have loaded. I love it! My SparkPeople name is Dosidough and you can add me as a spark people friend if you sign up. Oh-- its free by the way.
I have the same craving, a little somethin' sweet after I eat. I manage to keep it to a little somethin' though, a handful of chocolate chips, a piece of banana bread - I wonder if that's physiological or psychological? maybe both?
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